AJVC 2023 - Players application - Trials

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.


Trials date and time are now know!

- U19M & U23M - Sunday 30th April 2023, from 9am to 10.30am at Elizabeth College, North Hobart

- U19W & U23W - Sunday 30th April 2023, from 6pm to 7.30pm at Elizabeth College, North Hobart

The Under 19 & 23 Australian Junior Championships will be played in Sydney, 7-9 July 2023 @ Sydney Olympic Park.

The U19 age group is for players born in 2005, while the U23 is for those born in either of 2001, 2002, 2003 or 2004. (Note players born in 2006 or later are to consider participating in the Tasmania Youth Volleyball Team program targetting the Australian Youth Championships in Bendigo mid September 2023) 

To be offered a trial, your volleyball skills must be of a high standard, and you must be registered with Volleyball Tasmania for 2023. In addition, it is preferred that you are

  1. playing in the 2023 Southern League or
  2. playing in the 2023 Launceston League or
  3. playing in the 2023 Burnie League or
  4. playing in the 2023 Devonport League or
  5. based at the Australian Volleyball Academy in Canberra.

Other situations will be considered on a case by case basis by the coaches, Volleyball Tasmania's coaching director and the Director of Volleyball Tasmania's JDP.

The athletes will be selected by their coaches (head + assistant) and will be informed within days. Once notified, players will be required to acknowledge and agree to the terms, before providing a first installement and a confirmation of participation. It is anticipated that the selected state teams will be constituted of 10 players, and 2 shadow players that will be able to step in if necessary. There will be a total of 8 volleyball training sessions (once per week), starting the week of the 8th of May. Additional S&C sessions are currently being considered, with more information being provided prior to the first training session.

Athletes who are selected in a team will need to pay their tour costs in full, estimated at $1750, by 27 June 2023. This cost can be offset to $1300 if you already have a TAS uniform from last year (we will perform a full uniform inspection to ensure your outfit is still of standard quality). Unfortunately, given the close proximity of AJVC with the Women's Football World Cup, prices for flights and accomodation have seen a big hike compared to last year. Although we prepared this trip well in advanced, we were not able to keep the cost as low as we woud have liked. By selecting the team earlier than last year we hope this will help getting better fundrainsing organised.

Contrary to last year, the competition days are Friday to Sunday. Return to Hobart is expected on the Sunday night. 

To apply, you will need to upload a copy of your referee accreditation (details available here - https://www.revolutionise.com.au/volleyballtasmania/pathways/refereeing/), and your filled medical form (blank form available to download below).

When coming to the trials, the following items are to be produced:

  • documentation that attests to your Date of Birth ;
  • Code of Conduct is to be read & acknowledged.

The coaching and staff application period will close Wednesday 26 April 2023, with trials tentatively the following weekend. Note this application also constitutes a registration for the upcoming trials. 

Files for download
Medical Form


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